French payment fintechs alone account for almost a third of the total funds raised (736 million euros) by the French ecosystem in 2020. Among the 10 largest financial institutions in the world, 5 are now payment players: Visa, Mastercard, Ant Financial, Tencent and Paypal.
The payment sector benefits from several factors: on the one hand, the specificity of the sector, which attracts the historical banking players because it is a business in full mutation, which is becoming much more automated and for which opportunities are numerous. Since banks no longer make money on savings and loans, it is by innovating on payment solutions, to attract the capture of flows, that the war is the most crucial. But you can't capture money if you're not digital and don't have a super-app, especially in a post-2020 context of global containment that has accelerated the digitalization of uses for individual customers as well as for VSEs/SMEs.
COVID-19 taught us that the line between success and failure is thinner than ever and relies on identifying (and anticipating) challenges and finding solutions faster than ever : what will be tomorrow's successes in PAYTECH? on what terrain will the war be fought?
It is in this perspective that LA PLACE FINTECH organized in June 2021 at the Palais Brongniart the largest French and European paytech 2021 gathering over 2 days. This event was a unique moment to meet these actors as well as the ecosystem gravitating around banks, Banking as a service, aggregation solutions, platforms, KYC solutions, etc.
9:30am - GREETINGS
9:40 - 10am :
Speaker : Elias Ghanem, Capgemini
10am - 12:45 pm THE NEW PAYMENT SYSTEM
10 - 11am - When regulations come to life 4 REX of 15min each
Moderator : Olivier Jamault, Capgemini
1. 3DS2- Xavier Vaslin (Crédit Agricole Payment and Services)
2. KYC - Gimena Diaz (Onfido)
3. Instant Payment - Christophe Vergne (Capgemini)
DSP2 transfer - Nicolas Ribeaut (Budget Insight) + Morgan Trevily (Docapost)
11:15am - 12pm : New payment methods Retail, bank, challengerbank -What developments?
Speaker : Guillaume Maigre (Xpollens/Visa), Eric Letrehour (Dejamobile), Eric Lassus (Treezor), Jean-Marc Nourel (Checkout)
Moderator : Marwan Farah, Capgemini
12 - 12:45pm : European Payment Initiative
Presentation Status of the project by Christophe Vergne, Capgemini
How can this new solution coexist or fit in with current banking solutions for customers, physical retailers and e-retailers?
4 Speakers : Nizar Chaieb (Auchan), Rami SALEM (Upstream Pay)
* * * * *
2 - 2:45pm : Collab payments :
1. Paul Hajjar (Natixis Payment) + Domenico Paolucci (Oney)
2. Grégory Pointaux (Nickel Account) + Neil Pein (BNPP)
3. Bruno Van Haetsdaele (Linxo) + Xavier Vaslin (Crédit Agricole Payment and Services)
Moderator : Olivier Jamault, Capgemini
4:00 - 4:55pm : ROUND TABLE - EMS Service
Speakers: Simon Parisot (Blank), Jérôme Prigent (Cash Director), Jérôme Traisnel (SlimPay), Benoit Gruet (CDLK) / Moderator : Mung Ki Woo
4:55 - 5:40pm : Intro prospective – Let’s dream about tomorrow added value tech in payment
1. Brian Roeten (COPSonic Technologies)
2. Alexandre Benhamou (OneVisage)
3. Nicolas Serre (Baobab Group)
4. Eric Letrehour (DejaMobile)
Moderator : Seddik JAMAI, Capgemini
5:40 : 5:50pm : PRIZE GIVING
The Public Prize was awarded to Slimpay by the public vote and the speakers throughout the day. Prize: 1 mention in the WORLD PAYMENT Report 2021 by Capgemini
Random draw among the voters = 2 places for the CFTE Payment Course
5:50 - 6pm CONCLUSION