Palais Brongniart, 9am-6pm
In partnership with Pôle Finance Innovation
More than 30 speakers, 4 round tables, 300 participants
Program :
Round Table 1: The Buy Now Pay Later explosion / BNPL
Round Table 2: Request to pay: the new European payment standard
Round Table 3: How will we pay in the future? Mobile & Biometrics
Roundtable 4: Does the future of payments belong to cryptocurrencies?
Round Table 5: International Payments
Palais Brongniart, 9h-18h
Plus de 70 speakers, 100 partenaires medias, 40 sponsors, de 1500 participants
Programme à venir
Palais Brongniart, 9h-18h
Le Paris Blockchain Week Summit est l'événement phare de la Paris Blockchain Week, qui rassemble plus de 3000 participants, 70 sponsors, 250 intervenants et 100 partenaires médias.
Pendant deux jours, la PBWS accueillera des sessions sur la traçabilité, l'exploitation de la blockchain dans le parcours de l'innovation, la gouvernance numérique, ce qui a été construit en 2021/2022, l'état de la liquidité des actifs numériques, la coopération réglementaire internationale et bien plus encore !
Palais Brongniart
In partnership with Matpay and
1 thematic week on decentralized finance :
DEX, NFT, Asset management, Crosschain, privacy, regulation, DAO, layers2, Synthetic Assets, Insurance...
Palais Brongniart, 9am-7pm
In partnership with Start-up Inside
1 day, 80 speakers, 3 stages, over 2,000 participants
The 4th Edition for the only European B2B summit on Artificial Intelligence dedicated to the financial industry
La Place Fintech is a partner of many key events in the innovative financial ecosystem. Thanks to these partnerships, our members and sponsors can access free seats, special rates, speaking opportunities, etc. Do not hesitate to request us to know more
Finance InnovationJune 2022